2024’s Irrefutable Rankings of Anime OPs and EDs

It’s that time of year again! That’s right. January. And also the time to rank 2024’s anime openings and endings!

This is my third year doing this on the blog, and you can catch up with them here and here. Unfortunately, my Twitter threads from previous years have been eternally lost to time. You may take your complaints up with Elon Musk.

As per usual, we’re counting up the top twelve of each category for the year. Links to the videos are included at the top of each section.

Rank 12 ED: “Komari Warai” – Natsume’s Book of Friends

Screenshot from Natsume Season 7 ED of a spring day with a family having a picnic while yokai congregate in the background


I try my best to set aside bias when creating this list. Obviously, it’s a personal list, so my preferences are going to play into it (jk, as we know, this list is ordained from the heavens), but I try to set shows I watch and shows I don’t watch on an equal playing field. Just because I have a fondness for an OP or an ED due to my fondness for a show, that doesn’t necessarily translate to it being “good” in a quality kind of way. All this to say, it is extremely hard to set my love for Natsume’s Book of Friends aside, and I’m not sure I managed to successfully detangle it.

Takahiro Kishida handled the first four EDs for the show — ending 4 is my favorite — and even the two that he didn’t do very much stick to the established style. He returns for the seventh here, and it creates an unbearably warm and cozy feeling. It is a good ED, I feel comfortable saying that. But I just love Natsume, you know?

Rank 12 OP: “Laid-Back Journey” – Laid-Back Camp

Screenshot of Yuru Camp Season 3 OP where a corgi like dog peeks over the back of a cart that a girl is pulling him in, cartoon-style


Graphic design is my passion. But like actually and for real. And not mine, actually, it’s the creators of this OP. My passion is pointing at cool credits integration like Leo DiCaprio. Which I did a whole lot while watching this OP, because it’s got some incredibly cool credits integration. Also, an incredibly cute puppy. I also point at that every time and say, “puppy,” as I do with real dogs

There are some traditional character shots in this OP, but it stands out from the crowd stylistically. It’s sort of sticker-esque or collage-y, I guess, I can’t quite find the right word. Laid-Back Camp has always used a little bit of this aesthetic in their OPs, but this one takes it a few steps farther than before. Watching it makes me feel refreshed, both from the deluge of same-old, same-old anime sequences and just in general.

Rank 11 ED: “Hyoujou Sabun” – You are Ms. Servant

Screenshot from You are Ms. Servant ED showing the maid walking away from the camera and her face superimposed paint-like in the background


This was the year of the media-mix, especially when it comes to the use of live action footage. I don’t think you’ll even understand how much from looking at this list alone. At least, not until you hit the honorable mentions, where I’ve got a whole host more to shout out. Just for the sake of it.

Anyway, I love the simplicity of this sequence. Most of it is just the titular servant/maid walking, first through the streets of the city and then superimposed against images of her own face and new daily life. Everything comes into color and light when she chooses to leave her previous life behind. The smudged/fuzzy filter over everything is also an interesting choice. I can’t say much in regard to the meaning or logic of it, I just really like the way it makes everything look.

Rank 11 OP: “Sweet Memory” – SHOSHIMIN: How to Become Ordinary

Screenshot from Shoushimin OP showing a girl all in white color except her pink eyes against a blue sky


I remember when Eve was like a vaguely indie artist — or, at least, I perceived him that way, he did Vocaloid stuff — and now he’s making several anime themes a year including many big Shonen Jump properties. Shoshimin, in contrast, is a bit more of an under-the-radar project. If I may be extremely pretentious for just a moment, I feel like Eve’s music suits this kind of show better than something like My Hero Academia.

I love the lighting and use of color (and the lack of color) in this OP. Its use of those elements makes it stand out from the crowd what I’d categorize as the “pretty OP.” It takes the time to find ways to emphasize both the isolation that the two protagonists feel from society at large as well as the point of connection that they find in each other. And finally, it features the most decadent fruit parfait anyone’s ever drawn. Yum.

Rank 10 ED: “Aquarium Swing” – Days With My Stepsister

Screenshot from Days with My Stepsister ED showing a girl sitting on school steps while a boy's shadow is cast on the other side of the steps


This technically isn’t a media-mix production, just CGI given an effect that’s meant to make it look sort of physical or painterly. It was made by the independent artist hewa, and it’s very characteristic of their style. The overall look lands somewhere on the unsettling spectrum, almost in the uncanny valley zone. Everything feels like you could touch it, and yet also like it’s fake at the same time. The song that its paired with only enhances these features.

I feel like one of the best examples of this feeling is the shot where the wind pushes the pages of a notebook and also the skirt and shirt of the character holding it. The feeling of being hit by the breeze is so vivid and so distant all at once. I can imagine what it feels like, but I also absolutely can’t.

Rank 10 OP: “Hohoemi Note” – Astro Note

A screenshot from Astro Note OP showing a woman shushing the camera with dots and an orange silhouette behind her


Astro Note is an intentionally retro-feeling series, owing a lot to Maison Ikkoku and the other works of Rumiko Takahashi (we will see her later). The OP reflects that in energy, even though I couldn’t say whether it’s directly referencing anything in particular here. This is actually directed by Shingo Yamashita of JJK and Chainsaw Man fame, and it’s always refreshing to see him work on something distinct in style from those. It reminds me the most of his work on Urusei Yatsura, coincidentally a Takahashi work and a sequence I love (best OP of 2022).

The whole sequence is full of characterful sequences, from Takumi flipping the various residents of the boarding house in his pan, to Mira walking past them on the shopping street, and of course the cute little dance moves that bookend the whole thing. It exudes old school charm, with all its fun colors and effects.

Rank 9 ED: “feel my soul” – Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!

Screenshot from Makeine ED3 showing a red haired girl facing away from the camera in a flower field


Start to get used to seeing Makeine, okay? For being about “Losing Heroines,” it sure snapped up some honors in this list (although, spoilers, not either of the top slot. So, maybe it’s still a loser in the end). The series had three EDs through its run, one for each of its unfortunate girls, and this third one focused on Chika is beautiful and deliberate.

Ultimately, we’re really just following this girl going about her day, but Kiiro Aose and Megumi Maeda worked together to create something really soft and lovely. It falls in a similar category as Natsume at Rank 12, where watching it just makes your heart feel satisfied.

Rank 9 OP: “Plan A” – The Elusive Samurai

A screenshot from The Elusive Samurai OP showing a boy walking towards the camera while other kids fall from the sky to either side of him


I think that this is a perfectly classic battle shonen opening. This isn’t meant to say that all shonen openings are the same — watch a Bleach, a Naruto, this, and an MHA, and it’ll become pretty obvious that there are variations in tone to suit the series it’s attached to. But I do think you’ll also notice they all strive to achieve similar goals. We’ve got some dynamic action, some shots of our heroes and villains, possibly a few comedic beats. It’s meant to assure you that it’s got what you’re here for.

And oh boy, does The Elusive Samurai assure you. Just…please do not look too closely at the horses, they’re trying their best, okay? There’s a bunch of fun shots in here, starting from the very first bouncy walk cycles. I also really like the section that goes from one member of the Elusive Warriors to the next, each transitioning the color in the background with their motions.

Rank 8 ED: “Kimi ni Koi o Musunde” – Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister

A screen shot from Amagami Sister ED featuring the back of a girl's head especially featuring her side ribbon


I love that I’ve gotten to the point where I can somewhat confidently identify some creators by their style. I’m not an expert by any means. I mean, once you know what Ken Yamamoto’s work looks like, you’ll probably be able to identify it too, because it’s so distinctive. Something about the faces, and the general way it flows. You can see it starting from the 46 second mark in this ED especially.

Anyway, if a battle shonen opening is about selling you on the cool fights then a harem romance opening (or ending) is about selling you on the cute girls. And this ending leans fully into the charms of each of the sisters in turn, allowing each of them their time to shine in the spotlight, together and apart.

Rank 8 OP: “Jikai Yokoku” – Go! Go! Loser Ranger!

A screenshot from Loser Ranger OP showing a skull masked man running towards the camera against a pink sketch-like image


This isn’t my favorite anime song of the year — that’s probably Love Sick — but I do think it’s the one that best fits the show it’s attached to (setting aside any seiyuu-sung songs which is a different category to me). The child choir emphasizes the show’s core concept, which is essentially a dark take on those live super sentai performances. In a weird way it reminds me of Oshi no Ko’s Idol from last year and its incorporation of the eerie wotagei, at least in terms of the function being served in the music.

The actual animation is well-put together too, especially the beginning which plays with the primary colors of the Rangers, as well as the general concept of reflections that runs through the whole thing. Also, a few watches are necessary just to keep an eye on the cute cartoony Fighters on the sidelines and whatever they’re up to.

Rank 7 ED: “Henshuuten” – Mayonaka Punch

Screenshot from Mayonaka Punch ED showing five girls reacting to a scary movie


Speaking of seiyuu-songs, this is my favorite of that category. The little mumbling intro as Masaki connects the camera, looking for the USB and such, really establishes you in the feeling of the thign. It’s almost like the events of the episode have been the shoot and now she’s going to edit it together into a shareable video or two, complete with the “okay let’s upload it” at the end.

As for the visuals, I love the blobby interpretations of the character designs. Live especially looks intensely cute. The cut of her blowing out the candles is so satisfying and tactile, and she looks so satisfied with herself. The small sections that make use either of the phone camera, text message notifications, or video editing UI also accentuate the hijinks well.

Rank 7 OP: “Tsuyogaru Girl” – Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!

Screenshot of Losing Heroines OP featuring a boy adjusting a kanji in the title that has fallen over


Here’s Makeine again! We’ve made it to its second entry on the list. The show is on here the most of anything, but they ended up spaced out pretty well! The ED that didn’t make it — media mix, by the way! And cels! — was a just-barely kind of miss (Anna truly the most losing heroine, sorry girl), so that would have been spaced out well too.

The reason this OP is truly good is because you can’t make a creditless version of it. You may have noticed, if you’ve been watching the linked videos, that most official accounts remove the text from the OP or ED to instead only show the visuals. This can happen even to OPs with strong credit integration. However, rarely are credits as integral as they are as in this OP where many of the character’s motions would literally not make sense without them.

Also, it’s fun and funny, I guess that’s important too.

Rank 6 ED: “Wasurena Uta” – Oblivion Battery

Screenshot from Oblivion Battery ED showing a sketchy style boy throwing a baseball towards the camera


I feel like the list this year doesn’t have as much of noticeable theme as previous ones. But maybe we’ve got one small theme for EDs, although it’s one that always crops up here and there — cute takes on the character designs. These ones are so satisfyingly round and squishy, like you could pinch them between your fingers, and they’d feel like putty. The colored pencil style really helps sell the effect. I also like the almost diorama look that starts off the sequence.

I’m pretty sure the premise of this anime is that the blonde kid has amnesia (hence the title of the song…and the anime too), so it’s also emotionally interesting to go through these two boys’ childhood together via this sequence. It effectively sums up their pre-existing relationship, held together by the simple action of playing catch.

Rank 6 OP: “Into the world” – BEASTARS

Screenshot from Beastars S3 OP showing a wolf man tripping over a stair


Here’s the first entry from a very specific team making a very specific thing, although it was the second one of the two to be released. Beastars came in just under the wire this year due to its Netflix release schedule, otherwise you’d surely be seeing it on next year’s list. I love the atypical song choice and the silly transitions between characters at the beginning, like when the paper ball hits Louis in the back of the neck. There’s also a good callback to the first season’s opening with the forest of horns.

If I may have one point of contention with it, I tend to find the practice of hiding future characters somewhat pointless. And it’s especially the case with this one. I can tell the animal from the silhouette; what would the full character design tell me? This isn’t petty or personal at all, this list is ordained by the Universe.

Rank 5 ED: “karma” – Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms

Screenshot from Mecha-Ude ED showing a boy taking a last breath before falling beneath the water


Mecha-Ude is a really interesting project. It’s an independent, original production from Sae Okamoto that began as a Kickstarter-funded pilot released in 2019 that eventually turned into a manga adaptation and then this full-fledged anime. That history is written all over the show, which is frequently fun and bombastic and characterful while lacking some fine-tuned polish expected from more usual productions. It’s plucky, basically, if I were to sum it up in a word. Or sincere, to choose another.

That sincerity is what shines through in this ED which features three of the main characters praying and striving forward to grasp a speck of light in their hands. It’s easy to imagine a more sanded-down and processed version of this, and it’d probably be good. But I think that it’s the lingering roughness that actually makes it successful at giving you the melancholy yet determined feeling that it wants to convey.

Rank 5 OP: “Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” – Mashle: Magic and Muscles

A screenshot from Mashe OP2 showing a boy dancing five times in a row


Around when this came out last winter, I was sure nothing was going to beat it despite it being the start of the year. I was like immediately proven wrong. That being said, it’s held on in the top half, and I wouldn’t be shocked by anyone placing it higher on their own personal list. Except that this of course is the only objective list, as we’ve established, so they’d just have to be satisfied with being wrong.

There’s not too much I feel like I need to say about this OP. Shun Enokido’s work speaks for itself once you give it a watch. It’s just so perfectly goofy with some seasonings of creepy and cool. Technically, there’s a second version of the OP where the repeating dancing Mashes (see image above) are replaced with various other characters from the show, but I prefer the original take where it’s just all Mash all the time. The comedy value is higher that way.

Rank 4 ED: “Kamakura STYLE” – The Elusive Samurai

Screenshot from the Elusive Samurai ED showing various kids sitting inside a bus


Do be very careful and please do not think about how many of these characters are very evil mass murderers and/or the people who were murdered by the aforementioned murderers. Everybody’s just on a bus, and they’re having just a lovely time. Yusei Matsui’s works thread a very offbeat tonal needle, and I think Kamakura STYLE is one of the best expressions of that particular writing ethos.

The sequence is filled with fun ideas and expressive character moments. Little things stand out, like Ayako bouncing in place before she gets a chance to kick the ball, and the great dramatic face that Tokiyuki makes as he poses in an arabesque. Plus, that ball ties the whole thing together with the toss at the beginning to the fall at the end. I think I’d call “Assu!” (see Rank 3 OP) the best expression of “fun” in this year’s list, but this one gets pretty close.

Rank 4 OP: “Otonoke” – Dandadan

Screenshot from Dandadan OP showing a boy with glasses running


I don’t even think I’m the biggest fan of Creepy Nuts in terms of music (I also feel like I need to educate myself on Japanese hip hop and Black cultural appropriation), but they really do always end up paired with well-made OPs. You’ve already heard them on Mashle from this year, and they also did Call of the Night’s OP and ED — the former was on 2022’s list and the ED was the song that inspired that manga in the first place. This OP, directed by Abel Góngora, currently leads the illustrious pack for now.

It switches from almost photorealistic to simple color-block silhouettes effortlessly. Having watched the show, I also appreciate the dedication to the selected colors for each of the yokai/aliens here. As their outlines are shown, they’re paired with the shade which is used in the show itself, speaking to the strangely organized yet still bombastic way each creature is handled. I also like the big flashy credits which remind me a bit of the Cyberpunk Edgerunners OP, just in their emphasis.

Rank 3 ED: “CRAZY FOR YOU” – Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!

Screenshot from Makeine ED2 showing a girl bursting out of the water towards the starry sky

VIDEO (slight NSFW for brief Barbie doll-type nudity)

I know we’re a gaming podcast, technically, and it’s a bit of a trend to be sick of space in games. But that’s just because AAA games don’t know how to make space look cool and nice. Realistic space is boring, because I’m not actually interested in going to space. I want a planet where you can plant lemon trees and drink tea. Well, coffee for me. I’m also really fond of regular romcom anime that make up some kind of fantasy or sci-fi plot to tell in their ED (see: Kaguya, twice).

It’s just an incredibly beautiful sequence too. There’s been a shockingly small amount of dancing on the list so far this year, but the part where Lemon spins around and pulls off her coat at the same time might be enough for the whole year honestly. I love how joyful it all feels, even if it’s ultimately all fantasy.

That was the last appearance of Makeine! It sure had a good run. Alas, always the bridesmaid, never the bride, or even the maid of honor.

Rank 3 OP: “Assu!” – One Piece

Screenshot from One Piece OP showing Luffy looking towards the camera not realizing the one piece (logo) is right behind him


Luffy! The One Piece! It’s right there behind you! Luffy!!! Oh god, he’s got his airpod in.

I love this new era of one minute-thirty second One Piece OPs. This is really the ideal length for these things, the industry has figured it out. I always struggled to get through the old 2-minute ones with my Gen-Z attention span, you know how it is. But seriously, these last few have been consistently creative and colorful, showing off the wide world and the fun interactions between all the characters. They’re all so loosey-goosey and springy-sproingy here in a way that’s pure fun.

One Piece really lives on maintaining that sense of adventure, and that’s no accomplishment to sneeze at considering how many years its been around. This sort of sequence perfectly captures that feeling. No, I will not watch it. No.

Rank 2 ED: “Anta Nante.” – Ranma 1/2

Screenshot from 2024's Ranma 1/2 ED showing a line of photos of a sketched girl, the top one shows her making a "bleh" face

VIDEO (long hair ver.) or VIDEO (short hair ver.)

As someone with zero stake in the race – I like Akane’s short hair better. You may pick your preference, since they did appropriately update the visuals post iconic haircut, and I have magnanimously provided both links for you. It’s a great ED regardless of hair length. It really gets to the heart of having a young-love-crush on someone who also kind of annoys the hell out of you. The picture labeled “BAKA!” where Ranma just tilts his head and smiles? Oof.

I also love the simple takes on the characters – trend! – highlighting just how strong Takahashi’s character designs are. Everybody is still instantly recognizable, and the line work still captures delicate emotions from each expression and body motion. The shot of Akane picking up the bucket is unfairly satisfying to watch.

Rank 2 OP: “Otozure” – You are Ms. Servant

Screenshot from You are Ms. Servant OP showing a maid being pulled out of a spotlight by a boy


Remember that Beastars OP from a few ranks ago? I said there would be a second entry from that very specific team. If you clicked the linked post, you may have spoiled yourself on it. I’m so curious how that happened, but I’m also just glad it did. The stylistic similarities are obvious, of course, but this one has more of a somber tone to it in comparison to Beastar’s high energy outing. I hope whoever did the hand battling against the back curtain had fun.

This one makes use of some repeating imagery to great effect – the maid in the middle of the street at the start, changed to a spotlight, later repurposed through the door spyglass, and finally pulled from her lonely spot. The paper doll dance as well, going from one shared with another to one alone. The sequence by itself holds a complete emotional arc for its central character. Plus, I just think it forms a great pair with its ED (see back at Rank 11).

Best ED of 2024: “request” – Solo Leveling

Screenshot from Solo Leveling ED showing a boy glancing back towards the camera with a burning tree in the background


I simply cannot imagine how the contents of this ED have anything to do with Solo Leveling as a show. But “fidelity to source material” has never really been an object of consideration to this list, nor will it ever be. I mean, it’s nice when I can identify thematic material or interesting little character beats but it’s not necessary. And it’s totally possible there’s some stuff in here that would jump out to viewers or source readers. But I’m just saying that, to me, this ED works entirely on its own.

Anime has long struggled with horror. Even most series that are considered good tend to fall into the campy realm of the genre. Or it’s Satoshi Kon and who can compete with that. So, I mean it as a sincere compliment when I say that this ED perfectly captures the target vibe of an RPGMaker horror game (writing that reminded me of the Angels of Death anime, lol). I mean, the guy’s getting key items out of lockers. Or maybe something like The Backrooms is the better, more modern comparison? It’s not exactly scary, but something about it creeps under your skin and stays there.

Honestly, let me know if Solo Leveling is somehow like this at all, because I can’t stop watching this ED. I want this anime.

Best OP of 2024: “The Parade of Battlers” – Black Butler

Screenshot from Black Butler OP showing the branches of a tree making a skull out of the moon


Welcome back, Masashi Ishihama, always a pleasure to have you here. He is probably my favorite OP/ED director working today, and it always feels like an Event(tm) when there’s something new from him, regardless of what show it’s attached to. While the Twitter thread is lost forever, we last saw him at the top of the list with Horimiya in 2021 (v1 and v2 for your reference), and I’m pretty sure if I were to work backwards, he’d top a few more yearly lists too.

I don’t think this OP for Black Butler is my absolute favorite of his oeuvre – don’t make me choose – but it’s pretty high up there. It’s densely packed yet easy and clear to follow with special love paid to highlighting the actual credits. I love the zoom ins and outs on the beat around the 35 second mark, as well as the confidence to make the last ten seconds just a slow reveal of the skull against the moon. Speaking of which – if you want to play a game, try counting the skulls. There might be a couple more than you’d expect.

Honorable Mentions and Wrap-Up

I’m going to format my honorable mentions like a Q&A this time, so proceed to your category of choice.

Q: Where’s my Araki-directed romcom/dram OP?

A: He made two this year! I like the one for Dangers in My Heart quite a bit better than the one for Blue Box, but he’s really settling into a style for these.

Q: Got any girls who are dancing sadly?

A: You absolutely bet, take your pick between 2B for Nier Automata and Ruby for Oshi no Ko.

Q: What if I just want to see some good and/or cute drawings?

A: Well then, you are spoiled for choices! I’m extremely fond of Atsuya Uki’s cute take on the boys of Wind Breaker and the fun little sketches from Hiromi Taniguchi for NegaPosi Angler. To balance out the boys, I’ll shout out Girls Band Cry too.

Q: I’m waiting for the promised media mixes?

A: Lots of non-traditional animation styles and live action footage used this year, even beyond what’s called out above. I think Tao Tajima did the Shoshimin ED in what’s becoming a staple of Lapin Track productions. Salad Bowl of Eccentricities is another one making use of live action in a very fun way. Mysterious Disappearances uses sand-style animation (featuring hands!) while Fluffy Paradise goes for felt stop-motion. Just a wonderfully creative year overall.

Q: Anything that doesn’t quite fall under anime that was of note this year?

A: It’s technically for a live-action TV series, but the Baby Assassins Everyday! opening is an extremely eclectic and charming anime production. I watched the first movie this year too, it was quite a bit of fun with some cool fights! I also really like the Jenny Chau vs the Underworld opening sequence.

…are you waiting for Imagine Dragons? I’m not giving you Imagine Dragons. Look it up yourself. Read my Arcane blogs.

Q: Any notable omissions to call out?

A: Three OPs on the short list that got pushed out: Oshi no Ko, Wind Breaker, and Suicide Squad. They all sort-of-kind-of fall under a broad style that I’d consider popularized by Shingo Yamashita’s JJK OPs and that’s kind of lost me lately. Even when it’s good, sometimes it just doesn’t grab me. Honestly there were more than a few nice-looking, well-produced OPs this year that just weren’t interesting.

Also, technically Link Click released an OP/ED on the 19th/22nd of December…I’m just calling those eligible for next year.

Q: Okay, just give me the grab bag already

If you insist! Roze of the Recapture for its colorful minimalist look! Yatagarasu for its elegant execution! I Parry Everything for bringing strong concepts to something very basic! Bucchigiri?! for regularly making me sing “ra-cha-cha” in my head! Sengoku Youko just cause I like it! You’re welcome.

Q: …shirtless men?

A: …shirtless men… (NSFW for extreme hand holding, I’m so serious)

Remember to check out our end-of-the-year episode to hear our thoughts on 2024’s video games. You know that thing that this podcast is usually about.

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