Hello, and welcome to another episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone. This week, we’re talking about Knack and UFO 50. Oh, to live in a world with 50 Knack games.
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Knack was a PS4 launch title from Japan Studio which became a bit of a meme for being mostly mediocre. Knack must use his size-changing and punching powers in order to save humanity from the Goblins. It was supposed to be a bit like Crash Bandicoot and a bit like Katamari Damacy, but your mileage is going to vary on whether or not that comes through.
UFO 50
UFO 50 is a game collection developed by Mossmouth over the course of around nine years. The games are framed as the complete collection of a fictional developer, originally released over the course of the 1980s. The games span a huge range of genres, sizes, and difficulties, meaning there’s a little something for everyone.
Enjoy the episode! Tell us what you think in the comments or on social media. Make sure to check out last week’s episode and look forward to next week’s for Madelyn’s choice of side-quest.