Episode 130. Guardians of the Rhythm

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone. Happy New Year! This week, we’re talking about Rhythm Heaven and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. A very musical episode this time around.

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Rhythm Heaven

Rhythm Heaven is a series of unconventional rhythm games from Nintendo in which you must feel the rhythm with the music rather than relying on onscreen prompts. Each mini rhythm game comes with its own little gimmick or story, and then these are mashed together in Remixes after mastering each one individually. 

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a single-player action-adventure game from Eidos Montreal and Square Enix. Play as Star Lord and lead the Guardians on a quest to…save the galaxy, separate from any movie or comics continuity as its own adventure.

Enjoy the episode! Leave a comment or, even better, leave a rating and review on the podcast platform of your choice! And, if you haven’t yet subscribed, make sure to do so. If you want to see what we talked about last week, check out the blog post!

Tune in next week for what we’ve been playing for the past six weeks.

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