Episode 160. Signalis A Trine

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone. This week, we’re talking about Trine and Signalis. We’ve got some body sharing going on.

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Trine screenshot

Trine is a 2009 side-scrolling action puzzle platformer developed by Frozenbyte. Three unrelated people get accidentally caught up by a mysterious artifact known as the Trine and now share a body (essentially). Unless you’re playing co-op, that is. Using each hero’s unique ability, make your way through various stages in order to seperate the three once again.


Signalis screenshot

Signalis is a 2022 survival horror game from rose-engine, inspired greatly by the classic Silent Hill and Resident Evil games of the PlayStation era. Elster is on a mission to find a missing woman, and she’ll go as deep as she needs to into the nightmarish Sierpinski mining facility to do it. But things are not as they seem…

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Tune in next week for our PAX East review!

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