Side-Quest 110. Epic Brand Apple

Hello and welcome to another Side-Quest episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone! This week, we’re talking about the Epic v. Apple trial. Not any of the legal implications or complex factors involved, just the funny questions that were asked. Of course.

As always, you can listen to our podcast basically anywhere you want. Check it out on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, and Pandora (or head over to our episodes page for even more options). Or just listen below

The Topic

The Epic v Apple trial has mostly reached its end now, minus closing arguments and the actual verdict. We go over the events of the trial, including its purpose and its various highlights. Credits to Adi Robertson on Twitter- her tweets were honestly the main way that we kept up with the trial’s events.

The Actual Discussion

Can a banana be naked? What is a game? Can something be a bloodbath without blood? Is the Epic Games Store like a liquor store? All these questions and more are answered by us in this episode. We definitely know what we’re talking about. 

As a side note, you can find just a few of the great games on itch here in Emma’s twitter thread since the trial decided to drag them through the mud a bit.

Enjoy the episode! Tell us what you think in the comments or on social media. Make sure to check out last week’s episode and look forward to next week’s where we’re talking about Viva Piñata and Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin.

Make an effort this week too, if you can.

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