Side-Quest 157. Shovel to the Co-Op

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone. This week, we’re talking our last seven weeks in video games. We’ve got Resident Evil 4, Triangle Strategy, and more!

As always, you can listen to our podcast basically anywhere you want. Check it out on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, and Pandora (or head over to our episodes page for even more options). Or just listen below!

Madelyn’s Games

River City Girls promo art

Madelyn played a bunch of podcast games this time around. She and Clickbait Boyfriend finished up both River City Girls and Trine. She also came to a good stopping point for Vampire Survivors. But she’s got a long way to go before she’s done with Triangle Strategy.

Emma’s Games

A space for the unbound promo art

Uh-oh, all the games! Emma started and finished A Space for the Unbound, Paranormasight, and Hi-Fi Rush – tons of quality short games this year. She also finished Chained Echoes, made her way through some of the DLC for Fire Emblem Engage, and started up Resident Evil 4’s remake. Of course, we’ve got Cold Steel 4 and Persona 3 Portable updates too.

Enjoy the episode! Tell us what you think in the comments or on social media. Make sure to check out last week’s episode and look forward to next week’s where we’re talking about Legacy of Kain and Tchia.

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