Side-Quest 70. Finnacles of Romance

Hello and welcome to another Side-Quest episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone! We’ve looped through our new side-quest format once more, which means it’s time to let you know what games we’ve been playing for the last six weeks.

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What We Talk About

In the last six weeks, Madelyn played mostly a lot of Fire Emblem (Golden Deer route). She shares her thoughts on support conversations and difficulty level, among other things. She also dipped her toe into Sayonara Wild Hearts which is really testing her perfectionist tendencies.

Meanwhile, Emma actually managed to get around to a bunch of games this time around. In addition to Sea of Solitude, which she talked about last episode, she also went back to give her best attempt at Celeste Chapter 9. It did not go well. More substantially, she finished her foray into Fire Emblem (until the dog and cat petting DLC comes out), completed AI: The Somnium Files, made a beautiful gothic cowgirl in Code Vein, and delved deep into Indivisible.

Enjoy the episode! Tell us what you think in the comments or on social media. What have you been playing in the past six weeks? What games are you looking forward to? While you’re here, check out last week’s episode where we talked Sea of Solitude and Blade Runner and make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode on Disgaea and Outer Wilds

And don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel for the Play This! series, Flashback Fridays, Clickbait Boyfriend Behind-The-Scenes, and other random content!

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