Side-Quest 93. Getting Owned by the Terms of Service

Hello and welcome to another Side-Quest episode of Talk This! It’s Dangerous to Podcast Alone! We’re talking about Emma’s choice of side-quest topic which is ownership in physical and digital media. We know you read those terms of service top to bottom, just as we all do.

As always, you can listen to our podcast basically anywhere you want. Check it out on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, and Pandora (or head over to our episodes page for even more options). Or just listen below!

The Topic

What does it mean to “own” a game? What’s the difference between owning something physically and owning something digitally? What could greater reliance on digital purchases mean for the game industry? What about streaming services? Where does DRM fall into all of this? What even is DRM?

The Actual Discussion

We talk about a lot of stuff from new digital-only consoles to our own preferences when it comes to physical versus digital in games or otherwise. We dig into the many issues that game streaming services face. The Stadia didn’t make the splash it was expecting to make, after all. We talk about the advent of Steam and how the fervor against DRM was persuaded to quiet down. There’s a good amount to get into here!

Enjoy the episode! Tell us what you think in the comments or on social media. Make sure to check out last week’s episode and look forward to next week’s where we’re talking about Fable and Valorant.

And don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel for the Play This! series, Flashback Fridays, Clickbait Boyfriend Behind-The-Scenes, and other random content! The next video will be a short one going through our Fall Guys foibles. Look forward to it!

Make an effort this week too, if you can.

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