Lost in space? Lost in an endless maze?
Tag: atlus
Episode 159. Soul Mission
Make a bond with your big robot
Episode 145. Radiant Blood
Should have made an alternate timeline version of this episode
Episode 142. 13 Mecha Batmen
Batman should not be given a giant robot
Episode 135. OlliOlli to the Trauma Center
Wear a helmet, it’s cool
Character Efficiency in The Caligula Effect 2
Hmm this is giving me some real Persona vibes
Episode 106. Shin Megami Spelunking
Just some digital demons chilling underneath the moon
15 Thoughts in 15 Hours: Champ McDude Plays Persona 5!
Because Emma has poached Watch This! from me with the Persona 5 anime, I figured I could take up the mantle of one of her long-running blog series “X Thoughts in X Hours” with Persona 5 the game! I know what you’re thinking, and yes, we basically only write about two games on this blog. Maybe this summer the…