Lightning, stop it!
Tag: Final Fantasy
Side-Quest 133. Fine Piece of Rat
CHAOS featuring Frank Sinatra
Side-Quest 104. Bob the World-Builder
*man gestures at butterfly meme* is this a lore-building audio log?
Side-Quest 84. All Your Ear are Belong to Us
Speak That! It’s Perilous to Stream Audio Solo
Clickbait Boyfriend: Reminder of Your Limits
Clickbait Boyfriend fans, it’s hard to believe, but this is the penultimate edition of Clickbait Boyfriend’s journey through Kingdom Hearts for the foreseeable future! Unless self-isolation drives us into the waiting arms of Union X, of course, but we’re not quite that desperate yet. This time, CBB wraps up Re:Mind and dives to the heart into the Limit…
7 Thoughts for 7 Fantasies: Emma Plays Final Fantasy VII Remake
“What do you mean I have to wait for Part 2?” I say, looking up from making my quarantine time machine
Side-Quest 74. And Another One
“the death of creativity except for Halo” -NYT, approximately, 2006 or so
Side-Quest 61. Going Discourse Diving
No one’s ever said I was neat before
Emma’s Evaporating Economy: E3 Highlights
*looks wistfully at my bank account*
Clickbait Boyfriend: Chain of Fools
This week, we begin with exciting news: Clickbait Boyfriend and I are the proud owners of a new PS4! We can finally play all of the games we’ve missed out on the past five years, by far the most important of which is Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Black Friday deals came just in the nick of time…